Industry dynamicDYNAMIC


White corundum market is weak and stable

2010-09-22Page View:310

At present, the overall white corundum market is relatively stable.

The price of white corundum sand is about 6000 yuan/ton; Fine powder is quoted at 6300-6500 yuan/ton; The price of granular sand remains at the level of the beginning of the month, with the quoted price at about 6700 yuan/ton. But the actual transaction price is slightly lower than the quoted price.

In August, Chinalco alumina spot price cut to 3200 yuan/ton, the private alumina market pressure increased. Some private alumina enterprises will adjust the price again, the actual transaction price has been lower than aluminum spot price. This has led to a slight drop in the cost of white corundum.

In addition, some areas of Henan have suffered severe power rationing. A person in charge of a large refractory material factory said: Due to the current power supply shortage, some large orders in China are not easy to receive. Power plants in Shandong are only able to supply electricity three days a week. Large corundum producers have to start work at night, and some small producers have stopped production. These conditions led to a decrease in white corundum production.

Although there is still room for decline in alumina market, but the production of white corundum enterprises has declined, white corundum market is expected to be weak and stable.