Industry dynamicDYNAMIC


White corundum is in low demand

2012-04-26Page View:414

This week, white corundum price trend flat. The mainstream price of white corundum sand in Henan is 5100-5400 yuan/ton, and the price of 325 mesh fine powder is 5300-5600 yuan/ton. The main price of white corundum sand in Shandong area remains at 5300-5500 yuan/ton, and the main price of fine powder remains at 5300-5600 yuan/ton.

It is understood that alumina prices appear to rise again trend, domestic alumina comprehensive offer in 2650-2750 yuan/ton, ton price rise between 30-50 yuan, white corundum cost changes little. White corundum downstream market demand is weak, production is also to sell production.

According to an annual production capacity of 30,000 tons of enterprise sales person revealed that in March, the turnover of white corundum was about 2,000 tons, but the orders mainly came from abroad, the domestic turnover of white corundum did not significantly improve, and the downstream market demand is still weak. Most small and medium-sized enterprises still rely on regular customers to maintain production.